The Cincinnati Fund for Safe Water




Dear Family and Friends,

Pam, our kids, and I would like to thank you in advance for your consideration of helping us provide clean drinking water to Haiti, specifically The Good Shepherd Orphanage.  This project has been a joy and after visiting the orphanage in September 2013 and getting to know these precious people, we are more compelled than ever to help.  I also want to thank the great people at World Water Relief for their commitment to making such a huge impact on a need that we all take for granted, water.  This project will provide clean drinking water to these orphans as well as hundreds of others in their neighborhood.  You can’t imagine how excited they are to be getting clean water.  Imagine.  We so appreciate  your thoughts, love, and support as we’ve chased this dream.

Who wants to go on our next trip?

My love to all,
