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Our Team

Board of Directors

Kevin Fussell, MD — President

Pulmonary/Critical Care Physician, Southeast Georgia Health System

Lee Burleson

Consumer Products Sales Executive (The Quaker Oats Company, PepsiCo and Genoa Consulting Partners LLC) Retired

Steffani Fields

Distribution Coordinator, Clean the World Foundation

Les Irvine

President, Irvine Wood Recovery

Jana Korhonen

Senior Counsel, Labor and Employment, Georgia-Pacific LLC

Jim Maxson

Partner, Edwards, Maxson, Mago & Macaulay, LLP

Dennis Larry

Partner, Clark, Partington, Hart, Larry, Bond & Stackhouse

Celia McCarty

Secretary/Treasurer McCarty Construction Inc.

Ben Seidl

Founder, Neyborly

W. Clayton Sparrow

Partner, Business Law Group, Seyfarth Shaw LLP

Nathan Williams

President, Williams Litigation Group, P.C

Matthew (Mac) Prather

Mechanical Engineer, Black and Veatch

World Water Relief Team Members

Jennifer Fussell

Executive Director

Carli Barnum

In-Country Manager

Local Team Members

Albert "Solo" Juin

Mr. Juin is the Haiti Local Manager and was one of World Water Relief’s first employees in Haiti. Mr. Juin lost his home in the devastating earthquake in 2010 and has now dedicated himself to helping rebuilding Haiti and providing a brighter future for the youth.  He is in charge of project implementation, sustainability, and hygiene education for all WWR Haiti projects.

Richard Ernst "Desca"

As the local Haiti Assistant Manager and Hygiene Education Educator for WWR, Desca’s passion for teaching Hygiene Education is apparent in his interactions with children and their families. Since becoming a member of the Sanitation Water Club in June 2013, Desca has gone on to receive his degree in Administration and Management at University Public in Mirebalais and a degree in Topographic Sciences from Faculty of Sciences in Port-au-Prince. Having previously volunteered with World Water Relief, we are proud to have him as a full time part of the team.  Focused on opportunities to put learned skills to work, but also on implementing the organization’s mission in teaching people about hygiene education and installing systems of water purification, Desca is committed to helping each child have access to safe water.

Carlos Manuel Feliz

Carlos is our newest member to the team. He is from San Rafael in the Barahona province, and voluntarily helped to install the system in the school in San Rafael. He has over 15 years of experience working in construction and plumbing, and is a huge asset to our team!

Miguel Sola

Mr. Sola is WWR’s Dominican Republic Maintenance Supervisor.  He’s the in-house engineer, plumber, construction expert, and salsa dancer all wrapped into one. Miguel has over 30 years of plumbing experience throughout the Dominican Republic. Miguel lives with his children and can often be seen riding his beat-up motorcycle down to his favorite fishing spot.

Eva Cuevas Vasquez

Eva is currently a student at the public University in Barahona focusing on a degree in Education. As the Hygiene Education Assistant in the Dominican Republic, Eva is dedicated to teaching WASH to students , as well as focusing on incorporating families and the community-at-large through the Community Hygiene Campaign. Believing, as we do, that everyone has a right to access to safe water, Eva is committed to emphasizing the importance of safe drinking water for both consumption and cooking, handwashing and proper hygiene to prevent illness.

Yesenia Duval

Ms. Duval is the Hygiene Education Coordinator for the Dominican Republic. Yesenia is from Batey 7 and has volunteered over the past four years as a community health promoter for World Vision. She is an outstanding community organizer. Yesenia has created a small team of WASH promoters to help develop and teach hygiene education in schools, and enjoys working with WWR.